Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Winter wonderland.

 We had a hoar frost last night.     
 This morning every twig and stem was rimmed in ice.
 Is there anything more beautiful.
 Wondrous works of art.
 I became totally lost in the moment......
 My camera and I become one.............
This is a morning I will not forget..............

Monday, 29 December 2014

Looking forward to Spring

 Christmas was a joyous occasion.....Poppi sang carols as we all gathered around the table. 
A game of hide and seek in the garden was such fun.   Although it was cold, wrapped in woollen jumpers and bobble hats it did not seem to matter.   To see the Grandchildren laughing, cheeks rosy ............a family coming together, at this special time of year.
 The garden does not have much to offer.......but what it does give, is especially beautiful, at this time of year.    The berries of our native stinking iris  are a good example.
 The lemon - yellow flowers of Mahonia have such a powerful scent.......a wonderful lily of the valley fragrance.   Planted along the woodland walk, with Christmas box, it is pure joy to walk each day and take in the heady scent.
Helleborus Niger is top of my favourite plants.   I have dozens in the garden.   During the cold months of winter they are an absolute joy to behold.   Although they appear to be fragile, they are survivors in this garden.
Anna's red is showing, it will not be long before she displays her beautiful burgundy blooms.

When I planned the garden 13 years ago, I wanted a garden that had flowers all year.
Not for me, although I love my plants, but for the bumble bees that nest in the garden.
I was fortunate just before Christmas Day to see a queen bumble bee feeding on the Mahonia blooms.   I cannot describe the absolute joy this brings.
To help nature survive these cold winter months is a privilege.

I am now looking forward to Spring.     As each day passes we are given a little more light, and to any gardener that is something to look forward to.

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Cold and frosty morning

 It is early, a cold and frosty morning.
 A winter garden, silhouettes..................
 and ghostly forms.
 A time to stand back and just enjoy one's hard labour.
 A time for me to sit in the conservatory, with my little dog, a cup of coffee and my gardening books.
And to look upon a garden lovely enough to lift  my spirit even on the most sombre and overcast days of winter.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Looks are deceiving........

Yesterday, as the sun was setting, I managed to capture the robin amongst the bare branches.    During the Summer, this youngster, tried to chase his parents from the garden.
To say he is aggressive is an understatement........he frequently pins other birds to the ground, and tries to peck at their eyes.    I know that robins are very territorial but I have never seen such an aggressive bird.     Have you ????  

Friday, 5 December 2014

Looking up to the sky........

I walked the garden today camera in hand.   I was thinking of my Gt Grandmothers favourite poem God's Highway.    I can remember the first two lines:

Some people pass through this wonderful world,
And never look up at the sky.........

So, I took random photographs, pointing the camera to the sky.
Most were erased but this one I really like.