Thursday, 26 March 2015

Stoats and thrushes............

 The copse is the most natural part of the garden.    Although I have planted there, I generally let nature take care of itself.
 I love to walk the area, making a mental note of how things are progressing.
It is the best area for wildlife.    Today I saw a pair of mistle thrush busying themselves amongst the leaf litter.
 Much to my surprise an adult stoat popped out from one of the rabbit runs.   It soon disappeared when it saw me.    I am always thrilled to see them, as rabbits are a favourite food source.
Nella was the other side of the fence and in hunting stance.      The sap is rising and my little dog most certainly has Spring Fever  :)

Monday, 23 March 2015

 It was pleasantly warm today, it was great to be in the garden working without a winter coat.
Our friendly Robin was making the most of the suet in the feeder.   
 Bees enjoying the  cherry blossom.    As I stood I could hear the gentle drone of the creatures working away amongst the flowers.    I found myself smiling, bees always have that affect on me.     
 I love this little species appears each year, and never fails to give me pleasure.   
I cannot remember it's name.   If anyone knows I would love to hear.

Slowly the garden is changing.    The browns and greys of Winter are slowly turning green.    I am learning to enjoy one day at a time.    Time passes so quickly and too often another gardening year has finished.    I shall enjoy the moment that I am in............

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

The elusive scents of early Spring........

 Spring has been fickle this year.    Often visiting the garden for a day, only to let Winter take control once more.
 The East wind at the weekend was bitter.   I felt at one point I would be cut in half by the intense cold.      
 Despite the weather, the garden looks beautiful........slowly the flowers open and give one a chance to think about what lies ahead in the gardening calendar.
 A Spring garden is surely the prettiest?     After the grey days of Winter, she slowly wakes, showing the loveliest of blooms.
Oh to be in England now that Spring is here ..........

The three months of Spring are called the period of the beginning....the breaths of Heaven and Earth are prepared to give birth, thus everything is developing and flourishing........

Nei Ching.........