Saturday 24 May 2014

It may be raining but .................

 Another storm, thunder, lightening and hail.      It was brief but dramatic.
 As the sun came out Paeonia Shirley Temple put on a show
and Great Tit fledglings left the safety of the nest that did put a smile on my face.   So sweet.

No matter what the weather, there is always something beautiful to be found in a garden.

The purpose of miracles is to teach us to see the miraculous everywhere.

St Augustine of Hippo.


  1. Beautiful pic of the fledgling and gardens, a real santuary

    1. Thanks Shagrat,

      Nice to hear from you again..........

  2. Hi Cheryl
    We certainly have had our share of dramatic weather over the last few days haven't we. I am quite happy for it to stop now thank you very much - the garden doesn't know whether it's coming or going and I have work to do - the weeds are having a field day.

    Lovely to see the birds have fledged - how did you manage to capture such a great photo. We have had a pair of Bull Finches on the bird table all day - we never hardly used to see them, now they are becoming quite common in our garden. We also had a racing pigeon visiting over the last couple of days - it is so tame, and doesn't fly off when I go out with corn for it. It obviously got blown off course.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend, I think tomorrow is going to be a little better, hopefully.

    1. I feel exactly the same Elaine. The weather changes several times a day.

      Tku....patience and a good camera, hence the fledgling photo. I also hide......I have been found crouching in many a bush :)
      Bull finches are so pretty.....we do get them here but they never use the bird table.
      They normally take the blossom from the fruit trees.
      We had a racing pigeon a few years stayed with us for a week. I managed to look at the ring and got in touch with the owner eventually. He told me to ignore the pigeon and it would leave given time.

      Yes, it is supposed to be sunny tomorrow.....enjoy.

  3. Hi Cheryl,

    Lovely little Great tit, I haven't seen any yet but I've been hearing their demanding calls for a while now. Of course, it doesn't help that I'm near-sighted so I could've missed some without realising it. Generally I just know if something is brown, blue, pink etc and can take a guess at what it is without getting my glasses or camera. My brother has been playing with my 'beast' lens and caught some fledgling Sparrows and an adult Great tit - they're pretty good actually, the great tit 'throws' the peanuts and then catches them in its beak before flying away. Who'd have thought??

    The weather is frustrating at the moment, so much so I'm beginning to worry we might have a repeat of the other year with the terribly wet summer. Even more frustrating is the fact the Oriental Poppies are opening, so I guess I'll bring the flowers indoors instead.

    1. Ha, Brothers....I have one like that.
      Clever Great Tit.....mine are just ordinary here :) Bit like the owner of the Farmhouse.

      The weather is dreadful.....I have never seen so many slugs. I collected half a bucket the other evening and drove them to some fields around two miles away. I am a wimp, I just cannot kill or hurt anything.
      Well at least you have Oriental Poppies.....I seem to have lost mine. Had around a dozen plants, all disappeared. It is all very odd actually. I can only think it is the waterlogging we had in winter.....I have to say it was horrendous.

  4. You take such wonderful photos, what camera do you use? The little Great Tit is so cute, he's got such a fluffy coat. I've been watching all the fledglings in the garden, I just love watching them being fed by mum, though I haven't seen any Great Tits, only adult ones here. We've got rain again today and I'm full of cold so I'm hunkering down.

    1. Hi Jo,

      Poor you, hope you feel better soon........lemon honey and ginger tea works for me :)

      I use a Canon EOS 450D.....I also have a telephoto lens, which helps.
      The main thing is not letting the wildlife know that you are there. Often I am on hands and knees or hiding in places other people would not dream of.......
      I really love wildlife and is only a hobby, one that I really enjoy :)

  5. You may be the only person I know who cannot kill even the slugs that do so much damage to your garden. I can just see you driving out with the bucket.

    The little bird is lovely in the rain and so is the garden.

    1. My husband thinks I am a little crazy, in the nicest possible way.
      Driving along with a bucket full of slugs was not my idea of fun but hey it felt good to see them in the field :)

  6. Our Chickadees have fledged too. I miss seeing the parents in and out of the box.

    1. It is always so good Lisa when the birds leave.....I always think it is a happy ending to the story :)
      I can understand you miss them...........
