Tuesday 19 August 2014

Feathers, foliage and foraging.

 The copse is an area of the garden that I have dedicated to wildlife.   It is fenced and the gate to enter has a padlock.       The Grand-children love it but I only allow them in, if I am with them.
Whilst sitting quietly I noticed the Sparrow Hawk sitting in the willow.     She is a regular visitor, the garden is  part of her hunting ground.

   One day whilst walking across the garden, miles away, dreaming of what may be.........the tips of her wings brushed my shoulder as she flew past.   Her victim this day was a sparrow....she flew into the hedge and whisk the creature away right in front of my eyes.   From that moment I have been fascinated with her.

It would appear she caught a juvenile wood pigeon today..............I had seen one following its parents around the garden.
 The Acers are turning..........I could not be without them.    The Autumn colours are amazing.
 I have some in the ground and many in tubs.   I find them reliable and even when neglected they do well.
Nella and I walked early this morning.   I decided to pick some blackberries, it took ages to get enough ripe berries to make a jar of chutney.    This is just a trial, as it is a new to me recipe.  I did not  want to make a huge amount, only to find I did not like it.   There are plenty of blackberries to come, so depending on the results, may make a large batch at a later date.
Also picked some plums and made some plum brandy for Christmas.....

Today, was one of those days, that was perfect.   You know, just an ordinary day, and yet its special......can't tell you why, it just is.


  1. We have lots of Sparrow Hawks around here, they're such beautiful birds, yet nature can be so cruel sometimes. How wonderful to have a copse dedicated to wildlife, no wonder you have so many visitors to your garden.

  2. Hi Jo,
    I consider myself fortunate. I had a tiny garden in a town for 27 years, we took a chance moving here........I am glad we did. Dreams do not come true, unless you take chances.

  3. The copse looks like a special place to have to watch nature, the Acer trees are at there best, great colour, been having a look through some recipes for Blackberry chutney , hope to make some this weekend, I will let you know how I get on.
    Amanda xx

    1. Hi Amanda,

      The blackberry chutney I made has chilli and ginger in it, so it is quite hot. I like spicy food, so am really looking forward to tasting it ...........
      Will be pleased to hear what you come up with.

  4. Hi Cheryl
    Fancy having your own copse - lucky girl. We have a resident sparrow hawk who knows that the sparrows nest in our ivy - he is always hanging about chancing his luck. I have made all sorts of chutney but never considered blackberry - there aren't many ready round here yet but I may well give it a go. But I definitely won't be making plum brandy - as I don't drink alcohol - I gave up years ago - it just doesn't agree with me.

    Glad you enjoyed your special day.

    1. Hi Elaine,

      Our sparrow hawk seems quite fearless. She is never around when Nella is out though. I hope one day to get a photograph....I have tried but in vain.

      Alcohol does not agree with my husband. I shall not be drinking the plum brandy.....I do not like spirits. I make it for friends and relatives that drop in around Christmas......serve it with a nice slice of homemade Christmas cake.
      Just a tot though, not a glass :)

      I have never made blackberry chutney before, I saw the recipe on a kilner jar and decided to try.............it smelt delicious....hope it tastes as good :)
      I have had

  5. Any time you can be in the garden, harvest something and then make something even better to have later is a good day. How exciting to be so near a hawk. WOW no wonder you are fascinated by them. I am too and I have never been so close. Wish I could walk the walk with you...someday.

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Have had many encounters with the Sparrow Hawk.............I just cannot get an image but I am going to keep on trying.
      We will walk the walk one day, either in your garden or mine :)

  6. So glad we have a lot of special ordinary days with simple things wich make us happy. I can imagine your fascination for the sparrow hawk after her wings almost brushed your shoulder, so exciting.

    1. Janneke, it was very exciting.....I doubt it will ever happen again,those things rarely do.
      Yes simple things that make us happy.....I am but a simple soul :)

  7. We've had the sparrow hawks here on occasion, they are fascinating to watch, if a little scary! Your blackberry chutney sounds lovely, I've not tried that before. I hope you'll let us know what it tastes like.

    1. I will most certainly let you know what it tastes like.....it smells lovely :)

      I rarely find any creature scary..........my fathers influence. Nothing seemed to phase him including wild animals :)

  8. The copse looks like such a magical place; I imagine the grandchildren love to explore it. So often "perfect days" are the ones you don't plan--full of the little things that make you happy, just like the hawk in the sky or the sight of those beautiful maple leaves. I hope you have more of them in the coming weeks, Cheryl.

    1. Thank you Rose, what a charming thing to say.
      The copse is magical........I have a hedgehog in there at the moment. I do hope it decides to spend the hibernation period with me. I have some fab homes in there for hedgehogs :)

  9. Your copse looks wonderful! I wish we had one here. We do have a sparrow hawk and I have been struggling and failing to photograph it all summer. Your blackberries are earlier than ours; here's hoping it's a good year for them! Enjoy the ordinary days - they are precious.

  10. It's wonderful when an ordinary day turns to be a special one. I feel so peaceful when you show us the copse or garden. thanks

  11. Ah yes, I get that feeling when a southeasterly wind blows. The air is soft and magical and the ordinary day is just right!

    Yesterday I went to my tai chi class by the lake. It was fine. After everyone had left, I stayed behind, ate my lunch on a bench and just observed. A flock of ducks whirled over the lake and disappeared in a cloud of wings, an elderly Chinese couple held hands and walked along the shoreline, some young people pulled kayaks down the sidewalk and then launched them in the water ( I did not know you could pull kayaks on wheels! So much easier than hoisting the boat up on top of a car). I walked the paths meandering through the pond and noticed some water lilies not visible from the lawn, I looked for the bullfrog, but he wasn't there. Clouds scudded across the sky softening the light. Tall yellow gladiolas sang as I walked past.

    All in all - a perfectly ordinary day - but a nice one.
