Thursday, 14 May 2015

Persistent rain

 It is raining............and it is cold.    All  day I have waited for the rain to ease, but it is persistent.   At lease it will fill the pond with fresh water.
 The old hawthorn is covered in blossom, it weighs heavy on her in these conditions.    I can see the climbing rose at the top of her crown.   Wedding day, waiting in the wings.
 Everything weeps.................
 Well not everything :)   mahonia, new leaves, they always looks so beautiful when they are young and tender.
Tellima grandiflora (fringe cups) is a pretty woodland plant, small but beautiful......can you see the dandelion seed?

The weather should be warm and sunny tomorrow..........perfect.


  1. That hawthorn looks wonderful! Beautiful macro pictures, the Tellima grandiflora is a pretty plant but.......I have far too many of them, fortunately I can easily pull them out.

    1. Good Morning Janneke,

      Thank you. The hawthorn is a wonderful old tree. I love to see her covered in blossom, and then the berries during the autumn (food for the birds)
      Tellima does not seem to spread here. I divide plants each year to add to the woodland area.
      Obviously your soil suits the plant more than mine :)

      Have a good weekend.

  2. Evening Cheryl
    My last call before I retire to my bed - persistent rain here also - bloomin' awful day - we lit the fire and had the heating on! That hawthorn tree is amazing from the look of the blossom there should be masses of berries later on. I have Tellima too - I love it's unassuming quality - it fits into my garden perfectly - a sort of background plant that doesn't shout at you.

    I do hope it's warm tomorrow - a bit of rain, a bit of sun - and everything should romp away.

    1. A dreadful day Elaine, so cold. We had the heating on last night, plus I was wearing a jumper.
      Feels more like November !!!
      Hopefully lots of berries on the hawthorn, food for the birds.........fieldfare, redwing and our native thrush.
      I love tellima, it was given to me by a blogging friend several years ago. It is pretty and fits well with the woodland planting.

      It is dull here and chilly, they say it will improve as the day goes on :)

      Have a good weekend Elaine.

  3. Fingers crossed we misted the rain, but cold had to water the garden. Lovely photos very dreamy. I do keep coming across clumps of fringe cups on my travels, think they are probable garden escapes though, it's a lovely plant.
    Have been reading up on my Mason bees (they are staying) interesting, sadly they don't live long. They are good for apple blossom. Going to make some more bee hotels to go into front garden, to encourage them to nest there.
    Amanda xx

    1. Hi Amanda,

      I have kept mason bees for 13 years. They are a wonderful hobby. What started out with one unit has extended to eight, most full. I have just bought another unit :) Love my bees.

  4. It's warm and sunny here today, I hope it is where you are too. The hawthorn is beautiful, there's one right next to our allotment plot and it's so beautiful when it's blossoming. I wonder if you saw that dandelion seed before taking the photo. I often don't notice something until I'm looking back at my photos.

    1. Cold and dull today :( The heating is one.....

      Absolutely Jo, I didn't notice the seed with the naked soon as I bought the camera to my eye I could see it, and thought it looked pretty.

  5. Everything looks so beautiful, even in the rain. Here it is thundering and we need the rain. It has been unusually cool. Happily we got a project or two completed. :) XO

    1. Glad you got your projects finished Lisa....look forward to seeing them :)

  6. ...and yes I saw the dandelion seed. They are rampant here.

  7. Thursday was an awful weather day wasn't it. Today (Friday) has been so much better. The gardens are looking great and we were fortunate to spend time with our youngest Grandson down by the canal ... a lovely day.

    I know we need rain but sometimes it does leave the flowers and blossom looking a little under the weather!

    Fantastic close up photo's Cheryl

    Have a lovely weekend

    All the best Jan

    1. Sound as though you had a special time with Grandson. Memories in the making :)

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Lots of wind and rain here. Your garden is beautiful no matter the weather.


  10. Your hawthorn is so beautiful covered in blossoms! All my flowering trees are already past their blooming stage, but I so enjoyed it while they were this year. And your Japanese maple is a stunner! We've had such a mix of weather this spring--lots of rain, then a dry period, hot, then cold. I'm still trying to get a bunch of plants in the ground, but I never know when I'll need a rain coat or a winter coat:)

    1. Blossom is fleeting, isn't it Rose ? Maybe that is why most people love it.
      It has been a mixed season here, and once again it reminds me why it is not my favourite season, it is so unpredictable :)
      I walked Nella today in a winter coat :(

  11. Hi Cheryl, Yes, I wondered what that was (the dandelion seed). I love that last pic - it's so delicate! You have a lovely Japanese maple as well. I miss mine in the old house. It was from my mother's garden after she died.
    I do hope the rain and cold have stopped now. Today it was very hot and humid here, but thunderstorms are expected this evening. I look forward to the energy they generate, and we much needed rain.

    Your hawthorn is very regal looking! And happy! BTW - reading someone's comment (above) about mason bees just reminded me: do you hear from Sheri? I don't have her email any more and always think about her whenever someone mentions bees. Oh, I saw the teeniest, tiniest bee sipping nectar from my lilac tree. I was lucky enough to be quite close and could watch it's very long proboscis - which surprised me no end. Went back in the house to fetch my camera, and of course it was gone. But I'm sure another day I'll be luckier.

    1. Hi Wendy

      How sad to leave behind the maple that was once your Mothers. Still, you have the memories :)

      Yes Sherry and I are still in touch......we have stayed friends :) She is my soul mate.

      Oh yes bees do that........tease you........flitting from one flower to the other. You will, I am sure, capture them with your camera soon.

      Best wishes xx

  12. Aww! awesome garden! #2 is my fav shot! gorgeous plase to relax! <3

    xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :)
