Wednesday 18 July 2012

It is official, summer arrives next week :)

 Dull days, wet days, cool days.......the wait for summer has seemed endless.
 The weather forecast says that next week high pressure arrives, bringing sunshine and warmer temperatures.
This summer season, has felt strange.    My mind tells me it is summer, and yet it has felt like autumn for the last two months.    
 I have decided to take a blogging break for the rest of the summer.    I intend to enjoy the warmer weather in the garden and with my family.
 A garden party Saturday week, trips to the seaside, picnics in the wood etc etc.

 I am also hoping to landscape the treehouse with the children.   It has been put on hold because of bad weather, now is the time to put plans into action.
See you all in September.......


  1. Enjoy your time out in the garden, I do hope they are right about the sun!

    1. Hi Lucinda,

      I have to be positive....the dull days really have begun to affect everyone I think.....the sun will shine next week, and I, for one, will enjoy it :)

  2. Love your blog ..interesting...yes its the little things no one notices!

  3. Let's hope the weather forecasters are right. Good idea to take a break for the summer i might do that myself. Look forward to seeing you back later.

    1. Hi Jane,

      I have at the moment lost all motivation with regard to blogging.
      I think a long break will be the best thing at this time....I have lots of plans.

  4. I do so hope they are right! We have had some torrential downpours this afternoon. Have a lovely, fun time with the family Cheryl and enjoy playing house with the little ones :-) Beautiful photos as always...I shall miss you!

    1. Hi Jan,

      It goes without saying I shall miss you.....I will try and drop by during my break.
      It is raining here.....the sky is grey and the heating is on low.
      I am wearing a jumper (crazy)....cold damp and miserable :(

      The children always bring light.....I love to be with them, we always have such fun.Even the seaside in the rain is fun with them :)

      Have a great summer......

  5. I know just how you feel. Enjoy your summer "holiday". The thought of seeing some sunshine is filling me with great excitement and expectation.
    Please, please, please let it happen. We have waited so long. We need it, our gardens need it. Enjoy your beautiful garden, but most of all, enjoy your family.

    1. Tku Elaine, for such a lovely message.
      I think most people in the UK will understand.
      My garden looks fine but close up it is a mess. Strange but true....hate to say it but we have had too much rain :(
      We desparately need some sunshine.

  6. These blooms don't seem to mind the odd wet weather. You are going to have a blast. Big hugs to the little ones. I can't wait to hear all about your adventures. OX Lisa

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Marsh Mallow will thrive in the wet conditions, other blooms are short lived. I am looking forward to having fun with the family and enjoying a few projects.

      Hugs X

  7. Dear Cheryl,
    May sunshine find you, your family and your gardens creating happy memories.
    I shall miss you but understand the need to focus....
    Still no rain and temperatures in the 100's. We are in survivor mode. I have set up cooling stations for the birds with water and oranges.
    I would love some of your clouds and rain!
    Have a lovely Holiday.

  8. Dear Cheryl - you are obviously using your time wisesly. May your days be full of sunshine and children and roses. See you when there is a real hint of Autumn

  9. Won't be long before the sun has got his hat on. Enjoy !
    See you in September.

  10. HI Cheryl...My goodness you must be excited to get past this wet spell you have been under !!
    It has not cooled much here,but the humidity is gone for now whew...could not even breath the air quality was so bad!!
    I know what you mean about far away it looks good, that what they say with mine to, but like you said my plants are calling.. come close and you will see there are weeds growing over me :{{{{!!
    Have a splendid time, and will see you in September !!
    Grace ♥

  11. Enjoy the summer, Cheryl. You have left us some wonderful archives to read while you are away.

  12. Enjoy your break - I think we all need a break from blogging from time to time - I hope the rest of the summer works out for you.

  13. I'm so glad that summer is finally arriving for you, Cheryl; after all the soggy days you have experienced, some sunshine will no doubt be a welcome relief. I'm glad, too, that you have decided to take advantage of it and enjoy some time with your family. We'll miss you, but enjoy this time off! Looking forward to seeing what you've done with the treehouse this September.

  14. hope you're having a wonderful summer ... much love to you xx

  15. September has come and I'm hoping you'll come back Cheryl.
