Sunday 11 January 2015

Perfect day for working in the garden.

 The sun shone today, although it was chilly, it was perfect weather for gardening.
 Decided to cut back the elder, willow and several other overgrown shrubs/trees.
 Put the cuttings through the shredder, then placed them on the pathways that run along  the back of the garden.   Nella, of course, inspected the pathway when work was completed :)
 It was a good job done............and it was great to be working outside in January.
I was thinking of my father as I worked today.   Tomorrow will be two years since his passing.
I remember blogging friends saying it gets easier.   At the time I could not see that.
Of course, they were right.   I still miss him but more often than not, I find myself thinking about him and smiling.      


  1. I think it's a case of handling it all better as time goes by rather than it getting easier, though of course, it's always hard when the anniversaries come around. It looks like you've had much better weather today than we have, we've had strong winds for the last three days and there's no let up in the forecast.

    1. Perhaps that is it Jo, I am learning to live with it. I do, however, remember him with such affection and much laughter. He was the most humorous of men......he always made me laugh.

      The weather has been awful to be honest, we have had huge amounts of rain......too much rain.
      Today was a bit of a reprieve, I cannot tell you how good it was to see the sun shine :)

  2. You have so much GREEN in your garden. Lucky girl. This time of year makes me think I should fill up my garden with evergreens. Your bamboo is pretty too. Are you still happy you planted it? I would be afraid it would take over my garden. Of course my garden is so small compared to yours. No sun here today but it is nice and warm. The calm before the storm so to speak. I am having a day of rest. We have run around so much what with Christmas Bird Counts etc we haven't been home enough to rest. I do get ideas seeing your progress in the garden. It looks like fun to me. :) One never forgets those they love. Some days are difficult even years later but we learn to live with it.

    1. I love evergreens Lisa.....I need to feel I have some life in the garden during winter.
      I love bamboo......and have just bought four new plants. I always buy clump forming bamboo and have never had a problem with them.
      I do have a jungle area in the garden (which I do not show on the blog) where I have an invasive bamboo................I planted it when we moved here, it stays in the border and does not seem to wander too much. I would not be without its movement, the sound on a summers day and the fact it stays green all year.

      That is true Lisa.....our loved ones that have passed away stay with us a lifetime...................

  3. Hi Cheryl
    It seems great minds think alike - I too was working in the garden this morning taking advantage of the sun and no wind. It felt so good to be doing what I love most - pottering - but just being out there felt like a treat. I am glad that you can smile when thinking of your father now - I am sure he would be pleased about that.

    Have a good week my friend.

    1. Hi Elaine,

      I think with the topsy turvy weather we have in the UK, we must seize the moment.
      I was tempted to leave the work.....removing limbs from trees and then putting it through the shredder is quite demanding. Once I started though it was fine and it did give me a great sense of satisfaction when the job was completed.

      Glad you found time to get outside and I do hope being in the fresh air helped your cough.

      Hope you have a good week too !!

  4. You garden dose look wonderful even in winter, have been wanting to tidy mine but the weather has not been good.
    Amanda xx

    1. Thank you Amanda.......hope the weather improves soon.

  5. You did a good job this Sunday, here the weather also was better yesterday. I was in the garden too, taking off the layer of leaves on and around the snowdrops and hellebores, big surprises appeared.

    1. Hi Janneke

      Isn't it wonderful when leaves are removed and reveal all those lovely shoots and buds :)

  6. That's one of the best things about a garden. No matter the season, there always seems something to do and enjoy. Lovely photographs.

  7. Indeed there is always something to do. I am an outdoor girl so grab every opportunity :)

  8. Oh my, I can't even imagine gardening in January--we were below 0 here this morning, and I only go out when I have to. So lovely to see so much green, though, and I'm sure Nella enjoyed getting to "work" in the garden. I know Sophie misses our time spent in the garden, though she does love the snow.

    1. It is unusual Rose and temperatures are not high. I have been clearing the patio today and the sun was shining but it was 4C.
      Nella loves to be does her owner.

      Nella loves snow......her owner does not. :)

  9. I can't believe it's been two years! When you can cherish and smile at fond memories, you know the worst of the grief journey is behind you.
    I see Nella is a good garden inspector. You've trained her well. LOL.
    I will echo Rose - so lovely to see so much green!
    Time for a hot cup of tea.
    Hugs and an extra one for your Mum.

  10. Oh I see you have a little helper in that garden))))

    xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :)
