Sunday, 14 June 2015

Help in the garden ?

 'Would you like some help in the garden Cheryl.     I am sure we could find someone.'
 I hesitate...............
 My back aches from five hours pruning, but surely all gardeners ache at times.   Don't they?
 Can I keep on top of things?      Well, yes I think so.
 'Not at the moment' I say with a smile.    Ask me again next year :)


  1. Hello Cheryl

    Oh your poor back, I feel for you.

    Your photos are magical and beautiful, I so envy your garden.


    1. Hot bath and some magic oils will do the trick Irene :) As the years creep up on me, it is taking longer to recover.

  2. Lavender emerging? Hello bumbles if so!

    1. Yes indeed Simon, looking forward to that :)

  3. Absolutely beautiful photos. I love your new header, is it the same rose in your second photo here? I love the colour in your cosmos photo, the white and green with just a hint of yellow gives out such a serene feeling.

    1. Thank you Jo. Yes it is the same rose. White gold......a new to me rose.
      I am loving it :)

  4. It certainly looks as though you are keeping on top of things:) I've had someone to cut the grass and hedges for years but still do all the flower beds myself though it takes me a bit longer these days.

    1. I am tempted Rowan......but if I am but truthful, I tend to be a little bit of a control freak. So until I am unable to do certain jobs I will just keep going :)

  5. Wonderful photos Cheryl and I also love your new header, just beautiful. I'm getting older too and have to say things take more time to get ready, but until now I refused help in my garden. It still is my favourite hobby and for me better than a fitness center.

    1. Thank you Janneke.
      My favourite hobby to, also somewhere that I enjoy working alone.
      Absolutely, it does keep you fit :)

      We will know when we need help.........and not for a long time yet :)

  6. Hi Cheryl
    I'm not sure I would like anyone else in the garden either. Although I can see me having to resort to it one day - but I can see myself issuing orders and shadowing them to make sure it was done the way I wanted.

    Goodness five hours pruning that would have knocked me for six too. I only have the energy for one hour at a time with plenty of tea breaks inbetween and I only have a small garden compared to yours. I admire your stamina.

    Your lavender is at about the same stage as mine - almost open - I love to see it smothered in bees. And that picture of the white cosmos - beautiful. It looks like it was taken in the Arctic - ha!

    1. I would be exactly the same Elaine, watching everything they do. As I said I am a control freak, oh dear !

      Pruning is continuous here to keep everything under my husband once said to me 'you have created a monster' I now believe he is right :)

      It has felt like the Artic at times :)

      Have a good week..........

  7. Lovely photo's again Cheryl ... gardening is hard work but so rewarding, and I do like your new header.

    As the old TV advert used to say ... take time and relax in a Radox bath - well something similar maybe!

    All the best Jan

    1. Yes indeed Jan.....perfect for aching muscles.......and I have a lot of those :)

      Hope your week goes well.........

  8. Oh do take exquisite pictures for sure! That rose and cosmos are to die for! wonderful it would be if we could all point at gardening chores and some dashing young chap duly obliged, under rigorous supervision mind! I find it increasingly difficult to get

    1. A dashing young chap, now there's a thought.............:)
      Knees are a problem for most gardeners I believe. I have to say I am fine in that area, more my back and neck. Oh dear this is turning in to a doctors surgery :)))
      Upwards and onwards Cheryl

      Have a good week Snowbird.

  9. Pruning is so arduous. It wouldn't hurt to have a little help year. I am so lucky that My Dearly Beloved is retired and likes to get out now and again to help. It does make things easier. However I am a little jealous of my garden getting too much attention from anyone other than myself. ;)

    1. Pruning is hard work Lisa. It is something that needs doing regularly here, I can manage at the moment. I must say the edges of the garden are now a little out of control, but I can live with that :)
      Mr P does not have the time to help me.........he is always so busy.
      So I shall carry on, until my body tells me to accept the offer :)

      Have a good week Lisa.

  10. I've had another lovely surprise today, thank you so much. These little plantlets really travel well through the post, it's arrived in perfect condition, I'm just looking forward to seeing them all flower now. Thank you too for the labels, I haven't seen any like this before, they'll certainly come in very handy.

    1. You are welcome Jo. They will flower next Spring.

  11. Your perseverance certainly pays off. I think you are absolutely correct. As long as you can keep the garden the way you want it, then take pride that you do it yourself. When the day comes that you can't? Well then it will be time enough for help.

    1. Well it can be a little untidy around the edges but I can live with that.
      I love what I do, and to give it up would be hard.
      Still, when I need help, I will give in graciously.............

  12. Hi Cheryl
    Just to let you know the auricula arrived safe and sound and is now potted up. Thanks again for your kind gesture - if ever I can do the same for you just say the word.

    1. You are welcome Elaine,
      I hope they all do well for you and next year you have your own little display :)
