Thursday 11 June 2015

Lurking in the water...........

 Last evening I sat by the pond watching the bees work the honey lily.
 I sat thinking how wonderful it must be, to spend your life travelling from flower to flower, when I noticed something moving beneath the water. 
 I was thrilled to see a grass snake.

A young snake, looking for food.   I am hoping it will be a regular visitor, as the pond has far too many fish, which is not healthy.    

I love snakes but I ask you not to mention this to my daughter and Poppi, as they both have  a fear of them ..........

Do you like snakes ??


  1. Hi Cheryl
    I have only seen a grass snake in the garden once - I was sitting in a deck chair podding peas with the dog asleep at my side - suddenly the dog jumped up and backed away as the snake slithered towards us - luckily my husband came into the garden just at the right moment and put it in the pond at the top of the garden - the dog and I were a little shaken that's for sure - in my mind's eye when I think about the event the snake turns into something of pythonesque proportions - so you may have gathered they are not a favourite of mine (or the dogs).

  2. Nella is not overly keen.....she is also very wary of the marsh frogs in the garden. She doesn't like the fact they jump :) Has me in fits of laughter though.

    Nice story............can imagine the scene. Has made me smile Elaine .........not in an unkind way :)

  3. I love snakes. When the garter snake is patrolling the garden I don't have near as many snails and slugs. I have never seen the grass snake before. Odd that it is called grass snake and it was in your pond. I am still in Michigan. It is supposed to be cooler up here than at home; I guess it is but it is still too warm during the day for me.

    1. Hi Lisa,

      They only come into ponds to feed. They live in holes, empty ditches etc. Their diet consists mainly of fish frogs and newts, hence why they enter a pond. Hope all is well your end, and you are enjoying your break.

  4. That is a fabulous spot, never seen one in my life!

    1. The garden pond is a particular favourite of much happens around it.

  5. I don't actually mind snakes, though I've never seen one in the wild, I didn't realise you'd find them in water. Cockroaches are my big fear, one of the reasons I'm not bothered to holiday abroad any more. Lovely photos of the bees, there's been loads about over the last couple of days with the weather being better. My cotoneaster is covered in them.

    1. Glad you have lots of bees Jo. I am always so pleased to hear that.

      Cockroaches, you have just sent shivers down my spine.....that is the one thing that I find hard to cope with. I remember a holiday in Spain many years ago. A piercing scream came from the shower was my daughter, she had seen a cockroach on the floor and was frozen with fear. I was rooted to the husband had to deal with it.
      Havn't seen one since (thank goodness)

  6. I'm fine with snakes, my friend had two as pets when we were teenagers and I learnt to handle them - it was my job to hold them while she cleaned out their tanks:) There are plenty of adders up on the moors near here apparently but in spite of spending a good deal of time up there I've never seen one. I've seen spitting cobras in South Africa but from a safe distance thank goodness. My daughter-in-law had a green mamba drop from a tree onto the roof of her car once, the windows were open but fortunately her father was with her and got them closed in double quick time!

    1. Oh wow.....what wonderful stories Rowan.
      I sadly run over an adder many years ago. I was driving towards marshes and the poor thing slivered out in front of the car. I just could not stop.....I was extremely upset at the time.
      It was incredibly beautiful.
      I have seen snakes in India............and South Africa...........but could not tell you the names :)

      Thanks for sharing your interesting experiences.

  7. What beautiful images, I have bees on my honeybells too! Aren't they lovey?
    Oooooh.....lucky you having a grass snake, I must say I'm very jealous! I saw one many years ago, such a treat! P.s....I don't seem able to follow your blog....I must be doing something wrong. Never mind, I'll just keep popping in!xxx

    1. I love to watch the bees on honey lily.......looks like they are wearing hats :)

      Grass snakes have visited the pond before but I have never been able to get an image..........I was delighted to see them back. They are delightful creatures, most fascinating.

      Thank you for dropping by.

  8. What beautiful images, I have bees on my honeybells too! Aren't they lovey?
    Oooooh.....lucky you having a grass snake, I must say I'm very jealous! I saw one many years ago, such a treat! P.s....I don't seem able to follow your blog....I must be doing something wrong. Never mind, I'll just keep popping in!xxx

    1. Think the problem might be my end............see what I can do.

  9. I do like snakes although my husband is terrified of them. We do have to be on guard for poisonous ones when we are hiking the trails. Above the ankle boots make us feel more secure. Love the bees and I hope your snake does take up residence.

    1. I remember a post you did on a snake in your garage.....I remember your husband did not like them.
      Grass snakes, fortunately, are not poisonous. Ankle boots are ideal when hiking :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I can't say that I've ever seen any snakes ! Fancy having one and being able to photograph it like that ... amazing.

    Those bees look very busy.

    Great colours all around ... have a good weekend

    All the best Jan

    1. I have seen quite a few snakes around these the main grass snakes.

      Hope the weather is better in your part of the world..............

  12. I'm glad the snake found your garden, not mine! No, a snake is the one creature that sends chills down my spine and makes me run away. I know they are friends to the gardener, but I just can't help myself. I used to have a phobia about worms, too, but I've learned to enjoy "meeting" earthworms as I garden:)

    1. Poppi is scared of worms too! Although that is getting better but snakes really scare her.
      I have told it is around, so you can be cautious, she does not seem quite so keen to help me in the garden at the moment................

      Hope things are better your end Rose.....
