Tuesday 6 November 2018

Restless night.

Storms, high winds and heavy rain.


  1. Living in a very old house is something I love.
    Last night the wind came down the chimneys and through every little gap it could find. The eerie noises that came with it, would have been perfect for Halloween:)

    1. Seeing that leaf plastered to the window and reading your comment makes me think I can hear those noises and feel the chill of the storm. Storms are supposed to come in here tomorrow. We will see. Today the sun shines and I have been mulching leaves.

  2. Hello Cheryl!
    A wonderful capture of the rain on the window and the falling leaf.
    I don’t like the wind and the rain,I feel depressed in Winter and counting the months until Spring!
    So far the weather is good here in Athens! Have a relaxing evening!

    1. Hi DIMI
      I think Winter can be very depressing for some people. My husband does not like the wet cold days.
      I think there is beauty in most Seasons, sometimes it is a little hard to find.

  3. Image fits the bill of the weather right now, I try to embrace the dark afternoons but it's hard. I don't always need the heat of the sun but I sure do need the light.
    Amanda xx

  4. Cycled to work a strong wind and a bit of blustery rain. The deeply sexy waterproof trousers were worn

  5. What an atmospheric photo! I just love listening to wind and rain at night, you just can't beat it.xxx

  6. There is something good about listening to wind and rain when you are comfortable indoors!

    All the best Jan
