Tuesday 27 November 2018

Teasel seedhead.

Much loved by Goldfinch.


  1. I have spent many a moment watching a charm of Goldfinch feeding from teasels.

  2. Such a charming weed. This is considered an invasive weed here. You couldn't convince the American Goldfinches of that. I have seen the dried heads made into Christmas ornaments and little monsters. They are so architectural.
    Have a good week. Snow flurries are blowing around here today. Brrrr

    1. Ha, that made me smile Lisa.
      They are a native wildflower here, I have a bed of them. The flowers are loved by bees and butterflies and the dried heads by birds.
      I have never seen them in another garden but I do like to be different :)
      If wildlife likes them then so do I.

      Snow flurries Brrr!!
      It is wet, grey and very cold here.
      A tad depressing actually but I will get over it :)

      Have a lovely week and stay warm Lisa.

    2. I came upon Jackie Morris's blog and she has a painting of the very situation you mentioned here. Goldfinches on teasel. Pop over and have a look. The painting is beautiful as I am sure it was in person.

  3. Marvelous plants, how they stand out in the winter.xxx

  4. Hello Cheryl!
    Such a beautiful plant.It seems very similar with a weed we have here in Greece!
    I’m sure it’s a good delicacy for the Goldfinch! Have a warm evening,it’s raining and cold,here too!

  5. Yum, yum say the Goldfinch!

    Great photograph Cheryl.

    All the best Jan
